  /  Articles posted by Lauren Gregory

Lauren Gregory

North Durham

Hello! I'm Lauren, Mummy to my little girl and proud owner of Popolo Ceramico North Durham.

I love being creative and meeting all the different families at my events. It's so lovely being able to help creative such special keepsakes.

You'll find me out and about hosting pop up print events at local baby classes, groups and venues. I also offer home appointments.

Contact details:
T: 07951492065
E: northdurham@popoloceramico.co.uk
Facebook: @popoloceramiconorthdurham
Instagram: @popolo.ceramico.northdurham

Prints in Paint
Clay Imprints
Plaster Impressions
3D Castings
Paw Prints
Sterling Silver Jewellery
Paint Your Own Pottery Events
Private Print Parties
Paint Your Own Parties
Paint Your Own Takeaway Pottery Boxes